Archive for March, 2011

I prefer to grab opportunities when they come-a-knockin’.  For a “routine-queen” this is unusual, I think!  I’m not particularly big on “orchestrated life-changing experiences”.  To me spontenaity is essential in an experience which might change me fundamentally and-all!

But apparently (as I’ve been informed), I need one and it’s quite a dire predicament that I don’t have one!  So OK, earlier this week I had a sort of micro-epiphany… which surprisingly gave me 2 things to put on SANDI’S BUCKET LIST!


Bliksem!  Die donnerse Vitamiene kap my vir 'n Ses!

Bliksem! Die donnerse Vitamiene kap my vir 'n Ses!

So … Morné van Wyk reckons he mistook a barbituate for a vit-a-min.  My initial reaction – “Yeah right Buddy!  Spin (sic) us another one Ben Johnson”.

But then I remembered, I recently (also accidently) drugged my Mummy into oblivion !  Granny Ireland* was spending a week with us recouperating from painful knee-replacement surgery.  The day I brought her home from the hospital,**  I decided that my Mum was perhaps getting a  little over-zippy with her pain killers (because you know mos I’ve had half a dozen knee-replacements and didn’t need more than half a panado for pain  :roll: ).  Being the organisational control freak  concerned daughter that I am, I confiscate gather all her meds under the guise of making her life easer by separating them into those little pill organisers, ready and waiting for her to take when needed.


mr potty-mouth

Posted: March 16, 2011 in Jamie'isms
This morning I had to referee a skirmish between Nate and Jamie.
Long Story Short – Jamie had something of Nate’s .. Nate wanted to reclaim ownership of it (but only after seeing Jamie having big-fun with said piece of plastic crap) … Jamie wouldn’t give up said piece of plastic crap  … so *are you ready to rumble?* Nate punched Jamie in the stomach … FFWD …  blah blah blah …  punishment punishment punishment… finish discussion with Nate (all the while Jamie’s not moved from the toy-room, doing the fake moany cry in  a concerted effort to have Nate meted out a more severe punishment.

Much excitement in our home this morning!  I haven’t seen breakfast gobbled at lightening speed, teeth-brushed without so much as a request from mum… we didn’t even have to play “Guess-if-I’m-Commando-or-Packing-Undies!” today!  Why?  Because today Nate was in a supersonic rush to get to school…

If you know Nate, you know he LOVES dressing up!  I use the word LOVES for lack of a better description…  Always has… it’s just a thing with him!  We go to a birthday party, and before he’s hit the treats and sweets table like normal sugar-loving 5 year olds, our Nate has scouted out the host’s bedroom and ransacked the room for some sort of disguise or dress-up paraphernalia, anything he can lay his hands on!*  


Look, in the past I’ve been none too complimentary about the Spar.  And I think with fair reason, the fresh produce in the Cape stores (for the most part) leaves much to be desired.  But no more…  I owe Spar BIG TIME!

To say it’s been a tough week is to be likening a tsunami to the tide coming in… It’s been rough!  Outlook issues which very nearly bliksemed the hell out of 11 years worth of organisation, notes and research, days which have run out of hours, children with so many activities that I need to appoint a full-time Social Director to our Family’s Board, standstill traffic on my mountain pass and running out of cigarettes during said-traffic… agh, it goes on and on!  I don’t like it when “everyday life” gets in the way of my pre-ordained perfectly ordered schedule.  How dare it?


I’ve just recently joined a Book Club.  This is (of course) vastly differentiated from my other extra-curricular actibity – The Mum’s Night Out Club (although strangely enough the membership list seems alarmingly similar)! 🙂   Last Thursday night was our inaugural gathering of the wines minds.  To even loosely describe it as a “Literary Think Tank” would be somewhat deceitful… but BOOKS there were, and in fairness we did spend a smidgeon of the evening talking about books (mostly when our host’s husband was in earshot)…

Looking back on our evening, I would say it was a resounding success.  We got to the nitty-gritty of what a book club is all about – and EVERYBODY knows that it’s not about books – we laughed, we smiled, we commiserated, we shared and we got to know eachother.  I very much look forward to next month’s meeting!

Downside – The little person knocking at the inside of my skull with a pick-axe didn’t refrain from doing so till sometime on Friday night!  URGH!